About the Trainer
Jessica's Philosophy
Jessica Croezen, CTB.ccs, is a graduate of Canine Communication Studies, with high honours, for Professional Dog Training and Behaviour Therapy.
Jessica believes that our dogs have the natural ability, interest and desire to offer the behaviours we want (sit, stay, watch me, heel etc). The role of a trainer and owner is to figure out the ‘currency’ (treats, play, attention, toys) that brings the behaviour out and then reinforce it, so it is fun and rewarding every time.
Humans and animals learn so much more by listening, watching and respecting each other. A positive based approach to bonding, training and living with your dog will develop a lasting bond stronger than any created through dominance or aggression.
We don’t believe that dog training is “cookie cutter”; we like to adapt to each individual dog and owner team to get the most out of the training. We do though believe that positive reinforcement using shaping and capturing is the only way to train though, as fear is not a way to learn or live. It is nice to feel a strong bond and connection with our dogs without having to bribe or negotiate with them. Just a strong bond with great connection and trust.
“We have had our pup in classes steadily over the past year. Every class has been instructional, informative and generously priced, as Jess’s expertise is phenomenal. Can’t imagine where we’d be with our sweet and high energy dog without Jess and Impressive Canines.”
Maggie Deveau
Solid Training and Strong Bond Developed Through: CONNECTION
Jessica has a lifelong love and passion for animals. She enjoyed more than 8 years teaching horses and their riders; has trained and shown her own horses; and, has taught therapeutic riding to all ages, where the true bond between human and animal became very clear.
Jess began training dogs during her teenage years, started her own company Impressive Canines in 2007, and achieved her professional dog training and rehabilitation certification in 2008. Opening her own facility in October 2010 was a dream come true! She loves competing and coaching clients in RallyO (Caro, CKC, UKC), Agility (CPE, AAC) and Scent Detection (UKC, CKC, SDDA). It is so rewarding to see Impressive Canines students earn titles in multiple sports as well as get feedback about how well they are showing and the bonds they have with their dogs. Jess says showing is about one on one time with your dog to increase the bond, help them have a job, and the ribbons are added perks.
Jess developed Impressive Canines alongside her lovable sidekicks Toby (brain tumor but he made it to 16), Sierra (bone cancer) and Annie (heart condition). They were the heart and soul of the business for many years. Toby started it all right along my side and showed me that tools are not needed for a strong bond built on trust and respect. Jess had such a strong bond with these three amazing dogs and they had great pleasure assisting with rehabilitation cases, socialization classes, doing demos and more.
Toby competed successfully in RallyO, Sierra was her agility partner and Annie was her own personal Therapy dog. They were important team members and were there with wagging tails and happy faces. Sadly, even though she wanted them to live forever, that is not possible. Jess will always cherish the fact they lived late into senior years and they passed away having had a full life of love and they got to spend a lot of time together. They would have done anything for her, and she would have done anything for them.
In her personal time, Jess currently shares her home with her two dogs Rocky, and Puzzle, a parrotlet named Chip, a leopard gecko named Dot, fish and her retired reining horse Wrangler is at a barn just outside of town. Rocky luckily got to meet Toby, Sierra and Annie and they were part of his puppy raising which was magical to watch. Puzzle stepped into Jess's life at a time when Toby was struggling health wise and the other girls had already passed. She feels Sierra sent him her way to help Toby pass the baton and to get her back into the agility ring. Check out the Jess' Sidekicks section for more info about these special boys.
One of Jessica's greatest source of pride comes from her fear rehabilitation work. A dog that is fearful may be so submissive and withdrawn that a regular daily routine is not possible. To be able to watch as the behaviours and fear are worked through and then sharing that special moment with the owners when a breakthrough is reached is the ultimate reward. Little milestones are huge when working with fearful dogs and Jess will always cherish those moments.

Jess' Sidekicks
Rocky was what they call a foster fail and Jess knew in a few days Rocky was staying. He had a really rough start to life before being rescued by Hobo Haven; he has scars and a very delicate body and suffered trauma but now he only knows love and respect, and she continues to help him build confidence.
Jess learned Scent Detection with Toby but didn't compete until she discovered how much Rocky loved it!! He has skeletal issues and it is a saving grace sport that he can do without causing wear and tear on his delicate body. We found a love together for this sport!! Rocky loves having a job and he has built a lot of confidence traveling to shows and meeting so many new people.
I think the favourite part is seeing the Impressive Canines clients that meet us there and he gets spoiled with love by the owners and dogs from the Impressive Canines team J.
Rocky has many titles in UKC Nosework and SDDA Scent Detection.
UKC – Novice, Advanced, Superior, and Master Nosework Title, Novice Handler Discrimination, Advanced Handler Discrimination, Novice Nosework Championship Title and he is very close to his Elite Nosework title but has had to have two TPLO surgeries which has set us back.
Rocky also accomplished his Do More With Your Dog Trick Dog Champion Title as well as his Novice RallyO title through Caro with most of his RallyO scores being 200/200.
Rocky also got surprised with a letter and certificate from UKC Hall of Fame, that he placed first in Performance Group for Nosework for 2022!! He wasn't on the website, so we didn't think he qualified, but he did and placed first!
Jess believes Puzle was sent by her JRT Bailey and her aussie Sierra. Bailey was her first dog that was not a family dog that she lost too early in life due to health complications (in fact two weeks after she got Toby). She feels Sierra wanted to get Jess back into the agility ring and that she runs with him to keep her legacy going. Puzzle has exceeded her expectations in the agility ring already and he is still young!
Puzzle has accomplished his Novice Nosework Title in UKC and Novice Handler Discrimination Title. July of 2023 was the first year due to his age that he could compete in agility and finished his CPE Level 1 Standard Title, Handler Title, Strategy Title and Fun Title. He also placed first in AAC jumper and standard trials at his first attempt at AAC.

Achievements, Nominations & Affiliations

Jessica’s training and awards:
2023 Quality Business Award - The Best Dog Trainer in Kitchener ON.
Jess was the only dog trainer in this area to receive this award by scoring over 95% for a quality rating and being selected by a panel of judges.
2022 Community Votes Kitchener-Waterloo Bronze Winner
2021 Readers Choice Awards Platinum Winner
2020 Readers Choice Awards Diamond Winner
2019 Top 10 Reader Choice Awards
2018 Readers Choice Awards Platinum Winner
2017 Readers Choice Awards Gold Winner
2010 Social Training Excellence Award
2010 Professional Dog Training Excellence
2010 Humane Training Award
2010 Fear Rehabilitation Award
2008 Humane Training Award
2008 Social Training Excellence Award
Jessica was also nominated for:
Behaviour Therapy Excellence 2010
Best New Business Award 2010
Toby was nominated for the Canine Hero Award 2010
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